Rolled turkey breast with rosemary and cranberry stuffing

Rolled turkey breast with rosemary and cranberry stuffing

Anna Glover

Anna Glover
- 1 butter-basted British turkey breast joint (about 1.7kg)
- 2 large onions, thickly sliced
- 300ml white wine
- 100ml olive oil
- 3 bay leaves
- ½ x 20g pack sage, chopped
- ½ x 20g pack rosemary
- 3 garlic cloves, bashed
- 2 tbsp soft butter for roasting
- 200ml chicken stock
- 2 tbsp cornflour
For the stuffing
- 1 onion, finely diced
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 100g fresh breadcrumbs
- 350g pork sausage meat
- 50g dried cranberries
- 3 tbsp cranberry sauce
- 2 tbsp rosemary, finely chopped
- ¼ tsp mixed spice
Step by step
Make the stuffing the day before and chill, or freeze for up to 1 month.
Put the turkey breast skin-side down on a chopping board and cut down the centre, opening it out like a book, making sure both sides are still attached. Then cut each side to butterfly the meat out, again making sure the pieces remain attached. Put into a large resealable sandwich bag, or non-metallic container.
Add the onions, 200ml of the wine, the olive oil, herbs and garlic, with a good grinding of pepper. Seal or cover with clingfilm and chill overnight to marinate.
The next day, bring the meat up to room temperature 1 hour before cooking. To make the stuffing, fry the onion in the oil until soft but uncoloured. Tip into a bowl and leave to cool. Stir in the breadcrumbs, sausage meat, dried cranberries, cranberry sauce, rosemary and mixed spice. Season well and mix well with clean hands.
Preheat the oven to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas 6. Remove the meat from the marinade and pat dry with kitchen paper. Lay the turkey breast skin-side down and place the stuffing into the middle. Fold in the sides around the stuffing. Using kitchen string, tie the meat, at approximately 5cm intervals, until secure. Weigh the stuffed turkey joint and calculate the cooking time – 25 minutes per 500g. Pour all the marinade into a roasting tin and sit the turkey breast in the tin, skin-side up.
TipVisit to check your turkey timings
Rub the butter into the skin, season with salt and pepper. Cover in a loose tent of foil and cook at your calculated timing. For the last 20 minutes of cooking, remove the foil and cook uncovered to crisp up the skin. Top up the tin with a mug of water if it’s evaporated too much.
Insert a metal skewer into the middle of the meat. It should be piping hot to the touch, and the juices must run clear – or it should read 70°C on a cook’s thermometer. Remove to a board, cover with foil and leave to rest for 20 minutes.
Strain the juices from the tin into a small pan , skim off the fat and bring to a simmer with the chicken stock and remaining 100ml white wine. Mix the cornflour with 2 tablespoons water in a small bowl until you make a paste, then whisk into the gravy. Simmer until thickened to your liking, and season again. Serve alongside the rested, carved turkey.