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Bosworth jumbles

Makes: 16-18
timePrep time: 25 mins
timeTotal time:
Bosworth jumbles
Recipe photograph by Maja Smend
The jumble biscuit may be unfamiliar now, but it has a long history having been brought to Britain in the middle ages by traders and crusaders returning from eastern realms. Denser than modern biscuits, they were sturdy enough to keep for a year or more, making them a popular food for travellers. Our buttery almondy version has evolved to suit more modern tastes – and is less of a potential jaw-breaker!

Makes: 16-18
timePrep time: 25 mins
timeTotal time:

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Nutritional information (biscuit)

Tamsin Burnett-Hall

Tamsin Burnett-Hall

Tamsin learned the tricks of the trade from cookery legend Delia Smith. A trusted recipe writer for the magazine for over 25 years, she is now our Senior Food Producer, overseeing testing and editing to ensure that every recipe tastes great, is straightforward to follow and works without fail. In her home kitchen, Tamsin creates fuss-free flavour-packed food for friends and family, with baking being her ultimate form of comfort cooking
See more of Tamsin Burnett-Hall’s recipes
Tamsin Burnett-Hall

Tamsin Burnett-Hall

Tamsin learned the tricks of the trade from cookery legend Delia Smith. A trusted recipe writer for the magazine for over 25 years, she is now our Senior Food Producer, overseeing testing and editing to ensure that every recipe tastes great, is straightforward to follow and works without fail. In her home kitchen, Tamsin creates fuss-free flavour-packed food for friends and family, with baking being her ultimate form of comfort cooking
See more of Tamsin Burnett-Hall’s recipes


  • 150g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra to grease
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 1 medium egg, beaten
  • zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 tsp almond extract
  • 50g ground almonds
  • 300g plain flour, plus extra to dust

Step by step

  1. In a mixing bowl, cream the butter and sugar together for a couple of minutes until the mixture is pale. Gradually beat in the egg a little at a time, then mix in the lemon zest, almond extract and a pinch of salt, followed by the ground almonds. Sift in the flour and work it into the butter mixture with a fork initially, then bring it together by hand. Preheat the oven to 180°C, fan 160°C, gas 4 and grease 2 baking trays.
  2. Divide the dough into 16-18 balls (weighing about 40g each), then roll each ball into a sausage 16-18cm long on a lightly floured surface. Bend the dough into the traditional S-shape and place on the baking trays, spaced slightly apart.
  3. Bake for 10-12 minutes until the jumbles are light golden brown, rotating the trays halfway for even cooking. Cool on the trays for 10 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool fully. The biscuits keep for at least 2 weeks in an airtight container; they’ll get harder over time, making them perfect to dunk in your favourite cuppa.

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