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White Russian

Makes: 1
timePrep time: 5 mins
timeTotal time:
White Russian
Recipe photograph by Kris Kirkham
Misleadingly, this sophisticated cocktail is not in fact Russian in origin, but gets its name from vodka being the base spirit. Traditionally a Black Russian, it becomes a White Russian with the addition of cream.

Makes: 1
timePrep time: 5 mins
timeTotal time:

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Abigail Spooner

Abigail Spooner

Abi is our Senior Food Producer. An obsessive foodie with a sweet tooth, she is happiest when baking and is a firm believer that there is always room for dessert (preferably following a big bowl of pasta)
See more of Abigail Spooner’s recipes
Abigail Spooner

Abigail Spooner

Abi is our Senior Food Producer. An obsessive foodie with a sweet tooth, she is happiest when baking and is a firm believer that there is always room for dessert (preferably following a big bowl of pasta)
See more of Abigail Spooner’s recipes


  • 60ml vodka
  • 30ml coffee liqueur (eg Kahlua)
  • 30ml single cream
  • Freshly grated nutmeg

Step by step

  1. Combine the vodka, coffee liqueur and ice cubes in a cocktail shaker. Shake well and strain into an ice-filled short tumbler. Lightly beat the single cream until just frothy and pour onto the drink over the back of a spoon, to help make it float. Top with a dusting of freshly grated nutmeg. The cream will mix through the cocktail as you drink it.

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