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Caesar salad

Serves: 4 as a starter or light meal
timePrep time: 35 mins
timeTotal time:
Caesar salad
Recipe photograph by Ant Duncan
Crunchy, salty and with a satisfying zip, this dish has it all – and minimal effort required, too

Serves: 4 as a starter or light meal
timePrep time: 35 mins
timeTotal time:

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Nutritional information (per serving)

Nadine Brown

Nadine Brown

When Nadine isn't busy developing delicious recipes and using her experience as a health food editor to create healthy treats, she's munching and reviewing her way around her beloved home town of Tottenham. Find out what she's cooking and eating on Instagram @n0sh.17
See more of Nadine Brown’s recipes
Nadine Brown

Nadine Brown

When Nadine isn't busy developing delicious recipes and using her experience as a health food editor to create healthy treats, she's munching and reviewing her way around her beloved home town of Tottenham. Find out what she's cooking and eating on Instagram @n0sh.17
See more of Nadine Brown’s recipes


  • 160ml good-quality extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 120g stale sourdough bread, torn into bite-size chunks
  • 3 anchovy fillets (in oil)
  • 30g Parmesan, finely grated
  • 1 medium egg yolk
  • juice of 1⁄2 a lemon
  • 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
  • a pinch of sugar
  • 2 romaine lettuce heads, larger outer leaves discarded

Step by step

  1. Heat the oil and garlic very gently in a saucepan for about 1 minute – you’re not trying to cook the garlic, just infuse the oil with its flavour. Remove from the heat, cover and leave to cool and infuse for another 15 minutes, before straining through a mesh strainer into a bowl, discarding the garlic solids.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°C, fan 180°C, gas 6. Toss the bread with 2 tablespoons of the garlic-infused oil, lightly season and arrange on a large baking tray. Bake for 13-15 minutes, tossing occasionally, until crisp and deeply golden. Set aside to cool.
  3. While the croutons are baking, start on the dressing. In a large bowl, mash the anchovy fillets to a rough paste. Add a third of the Parmesan, the egg yolk, lemon juice, Worcestershire sauce, pinch of sugar and 2 teaspoons of water, and whisk together until fairly smooth. Slowly drizzle in the remaining garlic-infused oil, whisking as you go (setting the bowl on a slightly damp tea towel will keep it steady while you use both hands), until the dressing is emulsified and you have a pourable consistency. Set aside.
  4. Trim the roots off the lettuces to separate the leaves, then shake off any dirt before plunging them into a bowl of ice-cold water for a few minutes. This will help to remove any additional dirt, as well as crisp up the leaves. Drain and dry gently on kitchen paper or a clean tea towel.
  5. In a large bowl, gently toss the leaves with a few tablespoons of the dressing – just enough to lightly coat them. Sprinkle over half the remaining cheese, add half the croutons and toss together. Arrange the salad on a platter and scatter over the rest of the cheese and croutons. Serve with the extra dressing on the side, for people to add as they wish.

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