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Spiked apple cider

Serves: 6
timePrep time: 5 mins
timeTotal time:
Spiked apple cider
Recipe photograph by Kris Kirkham

Spiked apple cider

Gather around the bonfire with this delicious mulled cider, given an extra kick with a generous splash of rum.

Serves: 6
timePrep time: 5 mins
timeTotal time:

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Sarah Akhurst

Sarah Akhurst

Our Food Director Sarah is a food obsessive, and spends most of her time scoping out the latest food trends, experimenting in her own kitchen, or making her family wait to eat while she photographs every dinner she makes for the 'gram! A complete Middle Eastern food junkie, she is never far from a good shawarma marinade, a pinch of Aleppo chilli or a sprig of dill
See more of Sarah Akhurst’s recipes
Sarah Akhurst

Sarah Akhurst

Our Food Director Sarah is a food obsessive, and spends most of her time scoping out the latest food trends, experimenting in her own kitchen, or making her family wait to eat while she photographs every dinner she makes for the 'gram! A complete Middle Eastern food junkie, she is never far from a good shawarma marinade, a pinch of Aleppo chilli or a sprig of dill
See more of Sarah Akhurst’s recipes


  • 1.5 litres dry apple cider*
  • 100g light brown sugar
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 5cm root ginger, sliced
  • 10 whole cloves
  • 150ml rum (we used Appleton Estate Jamaican rum)
  • 1 apple, thinly sliced

Step by step

  1. Put the cider, sugar, cinnamon sticks, ginger and cloves in a large pan. Warm over a medium heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring to dissolve the sugar.
  2. Add the rum and apple slices and let the mixture warm through until it’s hot but not boiling. Strain through a sieve into a warmed jug to make it easier to serve, adding the apple slices and cinnamon sticks back in but discarding the ginger and cloves. Pour into heatproof glasses to serve.

    *Use vegan cider if required.

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